Good morning gorgeous Moonbeams!
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
We had a lovely Feminine Wisdom Circle in person on Friday evening and the topic was the Peri Menopause and the Wild Woman archetype.
I love sitting in Circle with Women, the authenticity of Women sharing is truly amazing, I feel such gratitude for the Women who come each time, it's never the same, the exact right chemistry of energies are always called together to create the magic.
As we head towards New Moon the slightly unpredictable energy of the Wild Woman Waning Moon begins to fade into the Wise Woman phase.
Here's your Moonday wisdom for this week as we move into this Black New Moon in Taurus and we are governed by the Earth Element.
It feels like a very exciting energy and really positive buzz about it.
Earth element is always about grounding and slowing down, nourishing yourself and your energy.
Do you have a massage booked or a little self care pampering?
May is my birthday month so I love to spend time at home with my family, and also remember my wise elder, my Mum who died at this time of Year too.
New Moon and Earth element are related to our Wise elders so you may also like to remember yours too at this time, maybe even Meditate and ask if they have any wisdom to share with you.
What are you doing to keep yourself rested and grounded this week?
Are you taking your time and drawing your energy inward?
Here are a few focuses you may enjoy for this week.
Focus on drawing your roots deep, plenty of relaxation, Yin/Restorative Yoga and Ritual.
You may like to work in reflection and ritual with my gorgeous grounding Ceremonial Cacao this week.
( I've added a lovely Earth Element Yin Yoga Class below)
Draw your energy inward now to harness the energy of the New Moon.
New Moon ~ The start (New Beginnings)
A new moon is when the sun and the moon are on the same side of the Earth.
It’s when the sun is not facing the moon, and it looks like the dark side of the moon when seen from Earth.
The new moon phase is the perfect time in your business for an intense reboot.
It’s a perfect time to slow down to build up your energy, declutter your spaces, home, work and head, and take some time for you.
Unplug, give yourself alone time and don’t feel bad for cancelling plans or blocking out space in your calendar.
Unplugging is the best way to make the most of a new moon.
If you must do some work, make sure your load is lighter and you plan in more time for you.
In our business, this is a time of reflection and review, what worked last month, what didn’t?
What could I have done differently?
Enjoy slowing down this week xx
Earth Element Yin Yoga class xx