Fabulous Friday..
Fabulous Friday;
Celebrate your wins;
Write a letter of Gratitude for all you achieved this week;
For me the last week has been?
What I have learned is?
What I want more of is?
What I want less of is?
What would I like to wrap up and leave behind from last week?
5 things I was grateful for last week?
What challenges did I face last week?
What skills did I strengthen last week?
What provided the most joy or energy last week?
What surprised me most about myself last week?
What one word summarizes last week best? and why?
If last week was a chapter in a book what would it be called?
Friday Affirmation - Today is a beautiful day of opportunity.
I am exactly where I need to be.
I open myself to the universe and trust in the unfolding of my life."