Ceremonial Cacao or herbal tea, a candle, a journal and pen, oracle cards and some lavender oil of you have some, we are going to be dream weaving!
Please also bring along a bowl of Moon water (tap water is fine if you don't have any and you may like to add a flower head too)
Cancer Full Moon shines on areas in your life that need nurturing, tender loving care, and emotional tending, the Cancer moon reminds us to lovingly nurture all that’s seeding in your life.
If you're anything like me, the energy swirling around right now might make you want to cuddle up with a blanket, a book or Netflix, and stay home with some yummy comfort food.
Do It!
Be gentle with yourself during this dark winter time.
The element of water can make you emotional and a little weepy and extra sensitive as the element of water corresponds to the emotions, and also replenishment.
Why is it so important to get into nature's rhythmic flow?
Because when you align with the energies of nature, you come into harmony with the life force itself. Super powerful for manifesting and visioning! So here are a few prompts to begin to vision your dreams for 2023.
Bring your Lavender oil ~ My gift to you is contemplation. Magic purple energy – linked to calm communication and intuition - great for dreaming and visioning. A high vibrational oil and a concentrated form of sun energy, lavender transforms sun energy and invites us to vibrate at a higher level. she helps you resonate with the vibration of harmony and peace – she lifts your spirits by her vibration – great to reflect with..
Warming this beautiful oil in your palms swish through your energy field and place a drop onto your third eye area.
Affirmation – Sacred vow “It s ok to pause, rest and just be”.
Blessing your Cacao with intention, bring in your Journal.
Take a few breaths and have a short time to reflect on the Year past, letting go of any heavy or stagnant energy, offer this as a mantra into your sacred water.
Into your Sacred water chant this mantra;
I clear away the past, all that is heavy, and all that is not mine. I feel the freedom that remains in my heart, in my spirit, in my soul. I am light. I am aligned. I am radiant in my being.”
Journal prompts for embodying our Spirituality with action.
In 2023...
I would like my body to feel? Grounded action...
I would like my work to feel? Grounded action...
I would like my finances to feel? Grounded action...
I would like my love life to feel? Grounded action...
I would like my spirit & soul to feel? Grounded action...
I would like my health to feel? Grounded action...
I would like my home to feel? Grounded action...
I would like my relationships to feel? Grounded action...
When the process is complete, go outside under the light of the Full Moon and pour the water into the earth.