Happy September!! And New Moon blessings!
Hello beautiful SiStars.
Happy September!! And New Moon blessings!
It's great to be back after a few weeks of stillness and reflection.
Our Free Yoga class is back next week, as I am in a process of clearing, not only my home spaces, but also my body with a seasonal cough and heart/ throat chakra clearing.
I hope this email finds you well though, and filled with the energy of new beginnings as we embrace the potent energy of this New Moon and September, which seems to be feeling very Divine Feminine to me!
As September calls us into her grasp, we are reminded of our need to slow down, to be quiet and to listen to the inner stirrings that the New Moon energy always brings. Creating our New Moon Cocoon for planning and seed planting.
It's time to begin a the review and reflection, before the big letting go of Autumn in her fullness.
Personally I am feeling called deeper into my devotion to the Sacred Feminine - to Reclaiming Sisterhood - To healing ancestral patterning that we may have picked up from the toxic Feminine, however that may have shown up for us, through Mothers - Grandmothers - Sisters - Friends - Teachers, care givers and peer pressure.
So what are the shadow feminine archetypes and how do we recognize them in our lives?
Martyr - Victim - Prostitute - Smother Mother - Controlling Mother ~ Burn out Queen ~ Ice Queen.
All these archetypes present as emotions - Anger - Resentment - Guilt ~ Jealousy - Judgment - competition - blaming others - talking behind backs - bitching ~ armoured, guarded, and a lack of trust in the feminine.
I could go on!
Its totally understandable considering the persecution we have endured as a feminine species! The burning times and Witch Trials claimed many lives and tore Women's communities apart. But it must stop now!
We must start to see each other as connected, as One.
If I hurt another Woman, I hurt myself- If I wish another Woman harm - I harm myself.
Wherever we recognize these archetypes outside ourselves - I can guarantee, they are active in our energy field and it is our job to ease them out with love.
This is how we heal this toxicity within Sisterhood ~ by doing our own inner work and recognizing every Woman is a Mirror!
At the weekend we had the absolute pleasure to hold our first Sisterhood Reclamation dance and it is clear that Women are ready to step up and out and claim their right to gather in Circle - to dance Wildly - be seen and heard!
So how do we even begin to heal this, in ourselves? By being aware of it. By Slowing Down to see what is rogue in our field, how we are judging ourselves - each other - By being KIND and allowing these feelings and emotions to rise and be seen.
Journal about them - Dance them Out - Practice some Yoga or movement to release old energy to make way for the New to come.
We must reclaim Ritual and Ceremony and gathering Circles of like minded Women - following the Moon - Dancing - Making lotions and potions - using plants as allies again. and loving ourselves aback to wholeness.
It is SAFE to be Seen & Heard!
So here's some inspiration from the very gorgeous Elizabeth Gilbert.
"Never forget, that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend.
And in that moment of recognition, this is when we save ourselves, from the self that was never real to begin with, this is when we see with the eyes of the heart".
We are being called back to the Heart - Back to loving ourselves and this is how we Heal the Sisterhood.
I See you - I Feel You - My heart is connected to your heart
We are One.
Reclaiming Sisterhood ~ It's time to Rise & Thrive TOGETHER.
In love & Devotion to the Sisterhood.
Andrea xx