New Year Transition Ritual. Reflecting on 2022.

Reflecting on 2022.

Grab your journal, Cacao, light an candle and create sacred space for yourself.

Take a few grounding breaths to settle in.

Essential Oil.

I am visioning with Lavender oil this week. If you have some, rub a couple of drops into your palms and breathe in and take around your energy field to attune to the vibe of harmony and peace, hold over your Third Eye chakra for Intuition and clarity.

Affirmation. " I listen to my intuition and trust my inner guide"

Closing off 2022 Journal prompts;

What experiences brought you wisdom in the last 12 months?

What went well in 2022?

What challenges did you face?

What went to plan?

What didn’t?

What happened instead?

If someone asked me to describe myself right now, I would say…

What habits do you want to leave in the past?

What limiting beliefs about myself will I leave behind?

What can you let go of right now to make space for something better?

Do I need to forgive anyone, or myself, so I can more forward with peace in my heart?

What did you do differently that you would like to continue?

Ten things I am most thankful for are.

Choose a word that best represents 2022 for you.

Choose a flower, tree or plant that best represents 2022 for you.

If 2022 was a chapter in a book, what would it be called?


What would you love to experience in 2023:

A new experience I want to have is?

Something I want to change or improve this year is…

What do I want more of in 2023?

What do I want less of?

The kind of people I want to attract have the following qualities?

If I knew I couldn’t fail, what would I do?

Something new I want to learn to do this year is?

What do I need in place to support this?

What’s one thing I can look forward to this year?

Where, in my life would I love to be in 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months?

What’s one thing I will do that I was too afraid to do before?

What does my ideal day look like?

How can I make my life easier and less complicated?

One small thing I’ll do every day to be my best self is?


Sacred Vow Ritual;

As you enter this new year, what do you most want to release or leave behind?


Affirm ~ As I move into this new year, I am ready to release...


As you enter this new year, what do you most want to bring with you from the year that was?


 Affirm ~ As I move into this new year, I am bringing with me...


I would love to support you in 2023.

With all my love.

Andrea xx


Full Moon in Cancer 2023 Water Ritual


Happy New Year! The Year of the Daisy!