The Wild Woman Academy

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Sculpting the Divine.

So, I wanted to share one of the most amazing things I have enjoyed as part of my Body Thrive Journey with Dorothy Matthew who runs a totally life changing 12 month process called Fabulous Forever. A full 12 month immersion into the Habits of Ayurveda and guided by a book called Body Thrive by Cate Stillman.

We have been living these habits of Ayurveda as a group since May this Year and this is one of the absolute mind blowing habits that has given me so much more connection with my body, but also with life itself. Our spent emotion, trauma, attachments, old beliefs about ourselves are held in the muscles, tissues and fat of the body, so when we begin to sculpt through self massage, with the intention to love and accept ourselves exactly as we are, without judgment, with gratitude and grace for this beautiful human we get to spend this lifetime in, we begin to release, accept, and heal ourselves.

As we are focusing on self care this week, I cannot recommend this practice highly enough.

You can use Coconut or Sesame oil warmed on a radiator, at dawn we sculpt the Divine

Do not put onto your skin anything you wouldn't put into your mouth!! Use natural oils and products wherever possible.

Here is an extract from Cates book Body Thrive.

It's early. Before the dawn. Black sky with stars. I use my hands and vigorously rub my skin awake. I use my hands to sculpt, to reveal the Divine within. Using circular motions around my ankles, my knees, , i rouse my body with my hands for the day ahead, with I scrub my scalp, . With oily little fingers in my ears, I make circles around my eyes. I lift my skin from chin to temple to uplift my day. I breathe life into my cells. As I massage. I feel. As i massage. I remember. My body wasn't always this way. Years ago , some parts felt distant, disconnected. There used to be a subtle self loathing - I'm embarrassed, yet also not embarrassed, to report, a culturally ingrained self- loathing that my body should be different than it is. This I have rubbed away over the Years to heal and excavate myself. The practice take less than 5 minutes.

When I rub my skin I nourish my Soul. When I don't feed my skin with self massage,I live a less connected life. I feel less complete and start looking outside myself for my basic bodily needs. In the practice of self massage, you become connected to yourself as creator, As creator, you shape your body with your own hands.

Rubbing, sculpting, breathing, becoming a living Soul, This is the daily practice of self massage. In Yoga philosophy, the left hand is the Divine Feminine, the right the Divine Masculine. Together you rub with the masculine and feminine forces of the Divine to remember your divine nature, to connect with the paradox of duality in unity, to become powerfully alive. This very simple practice of using your hands awakens the power in your hands to sculpt your reality. The ancient practice is called Abhyanga.

Beauty in't skin deep, neither is Self Massage.