A little bit about Spiitdance…
What is Spiritdance?
My vision through my work has always been to bring Communities of Women together, this is, and will always be my aim, to let go of competition and bring Women together to support each other, love each other, encourage selfcare and selflove, and dance with life being kind to each other.
Spiritdance came to me after a period of deep training, working with Free dance, Chakradance and Chakra alchemy courses.
I came to realize that when I moved with my eyes closed or covered, I felt freedom in my body and mind, a place I would struggle to access in my day to day life. I have a very busy and creative mind so anything that gives me a break from that had to be good!!
My background has always had dance in it, as a clubber in the 80’s, and even before that in my Soul and Motown days I always loved to dance.
Tribal bellydance took that to a whole new level, giving me more confidence, I realized I had forgotten how powerful dance is, especially with other Women.
On a personal level, I have found Spiritdance connects me deeply to my Spirituality, gives me space to be and helps me find answers. It allows me to access unseen realms that I find difficult to access in Meditation alone.
These days we live in our heads, aimed at success and much of the time wrapped up in busyness with no time or space for ourselves. This way of living can lead to burn out and overwhelm. I feel as we move into new ways of living, our head really needs to get out of the way so we can access our feeling self, our heart space where truth and healing reside. We are heading towards living our lives with an understanding of energy and vibration in a much deeper way.
“Energy flows where attention goes. What we think, we become”
To Train in Spiritdance email me at andrea291@hotmail.co.uk