Full Moon crazy & Winter Solstice…

Hello lovely ones, How are you riding this crazy energy????

This last Moon cycle has certainly brought up so much for me about alignment.

I always use a navigation system of What feels heavy? What feels light? Applying this to all areas of my life.

What is this Full moon illuminating for you? What is feeling heavy?

I would love you to Journal around this over these next few days, we are still in Full Moon energy and also the Winter Solstice Portal so it's such a potent time to get really clear.

Tomorrow we begin a 4 week journey with Kali Ma in our Goddess Wisdom sessions to get really clear about what is no longer serving us and casting it into the flames of Transformation.

Here area few things to contemplate, grab your Journal, a cup of Ceremonial Cacao or herbal tea, light a candle and lets feel into, what feels heavy, what feels light for you? Listen to the whispers...

For me, the last Year has been?

What I have learned is?

What a I proud of?

This Year, what stands out for you?

What good things have happened?

What have been your most favourite moments?

What have been your most difficult moments?

What have you learned about yourself?

What has become more important to you?

If the last Year was a chapter in a book what would it be called?

What is your vision for the future? Why is it important to you?

What hidden fears prevent you from living your most authentic life?

What are you known for? What do you want to be known for?

What are you ready to let go of?

What needs to fall away now, to bring you into alignment with what is waiting for you?

What is 1 step you could take towards that goal?

When I envision my dream life, this is how it looks and feels…where would you like to see yourself next year at this time?

Create a word to let go of and a word to bring in.

I release ….

I call in……

With all my Love.

Andrea xxx


Too much World, not enough Spirit?


New Moon Ritual for You…